Friday, April 15, 2011

Welcome to Pinch of Pullman!

I have decided that since Seattle has its very own bite, and Tacoma has its very own taste, I thought that during my last year and a fourth of college at Washington State University, Pullman deserved its very own pinch. This blog is dedicated to finding new restaurants in the Pullman/Moscow area and giving you a first hand look at the menu, customer service, and what the restaurant has to offer. I will let you know where to find the best places to eat and give you a heads up on the worst (in my opinion of course). I will give you the cheapest places and the fanciest places. I will also share healthy tips that I have picked up along the way, where your dollar goes the furthest and new recipes passed on by family and friends. My goal is to end my college career with a bang, all while eating my way through the finest delicacies that Pullman and Moscow have to offer. P.S. Once I turn 21 in August, I might add a beer tasting section to this blog.

Bon Appetit!
*Homemade spinach pizza from scratch!