Monday, November 14, 2011

Noms and Nilla

Yes I would first off like to welcome myself back to the game. I am now 21, a senior at WSU and taking life one step at a time. I have fell off the health wagon and gotten back on it so many times I lost count. But that is life. Now, enough about me, on to the good food!!

I found this recipe in an old Cosmopolitan magazine and decided to give it a whirl with my mother this weekend. It was phenomenal! I say follow the directions (minus the STEVIA IN THE RAW, just stick to the SUGAR IN THE RAW)

I have also decided based off my love for food and all things delicious, I am naming my new puppies (when I get them after college) Noms and Nilla (like om nom and vanilla)

nom out, -Me

1 comment:

  1. Nom nom, I got this from the magazine, it was from awhile ago. I loooove this!
